Monday, February 1, 2010


When i was 10 years old, I wanted to learn to play the guitar in the worst way. One year ago, thanks to my girlfriend (who gave me a guitar for valentines day), I finally did. The calluses on my now roughed up finger tips have become a badge of honor, they are my battle scars, a tribute to that childhood want.
I've been exposed to a whole new world of talent, beauty, and art. This instrument has opened up my mind. It has prevented (I believe) my very own mental atrophy. It has saved me from the dreaded everyday routine of : wake up, eat, get ready, drive to work, punch in, punch out, drive home, eat, go to bed, repeat.
You gotta think, why don't we do more to have this in schools? How many other minds would it help develop and or save? The benefits of music are plenty.
So, if you want to start playing an instrument, don't think about it just do it. It will make your life richer, you will find a new appreciation for music and art.

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